Naturopathy, or the use of natural medicine, supports the body’s innate ability to heal using nontoxic, natural therapies to help you achieve the highest possible level of health.
On a physical level, naturopathic treatment supports the more effective utilisation of the basic nutrients, molecules and phytochemicals found in foods and herbs that are necessary to rebuild and sustain good health. A holistic focus on lifestyle factors also allows a naturopath to assess causes and symptoms of physical or emotional stress, environmental factors, and nutritional status. These are often seen as significant contributors to the various biochemical imbalances that may lead to a state of disease.
Sometimes I feel like modern medicine misses the point that the body is not made up of separate systems – it is a whole fluid entity, all parts interconnected. I guess therefore modern medicine sometimes can only control symptoms. Each pill works to stop something from happening, or make something happen, but it doesn’t reach the cause. Now I am not talking about the big guns of medicine here, because we all know that those tools are very necessary and lifesaving.
Its apparent that problems such as brain fog can turn to dementia, metabolic disorders become diabetes and it’s no secret that the stresses of modern life can lead to adrenal fatigue, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression.
This is where natural medicine excels. It is also where high quality therapeutic herb teas excel. There are no additives or flavourings, no chemicals, We KNOW what is in our teas and where the ingredients came from
With that in mind, here are the top 8 reasons for buying naturopathically designed, herbal teas:
By Joanna Vinsen Loveys BNatMed HbT
Joanna Loveys