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February 05, 2020

Top Tips for a Healthy Gut

We have all heard the saying “listen to your gut”. This phrase tends to mean “ listen to your intuition, your gut feeling ” but it could just as well apply to paying attention to how your digestion is functioning. Do you suffer from bloating after eating and seem to have a “food baby” at the end of the day? Are loose stools and stomach cramps a part of life for you ? Are you feeling tired, have no energy and just generally don’t feel well nourished?

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys BNatMed HbT MNZAMH

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February 01, 2018

Getting Back to Basics - Selenium Iodine and Vitamin B12

It often seems to me, in clinical practise, that patients are not aware of the importance to normal body functioning of trace nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Our diets are often below par nutritionally so we don’t get all the vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. If the soils the crops are grown in are also deficient, then we get even less of those essential nutrients.

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys BNatMed HbT MNZAMH

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June 01, 2017


Sometimes I feel like modern medicine misses the point that the body is not made up of separate systems – it is a whole fluid entity, all parts interconnected.  I guess therefore modern medicine sometimes can only control symptoms. Each pill works to stop something from happening, or make something happen, but it doesn’t reach the cause. 

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys  BNatMed HbT


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May 01, 2017

The Puraty Twins

Over time we have come to realise how well the teas “pair up” - how the complimentary herbs and blends work well with each other . We have begun calling each pair “twins” - THE TWINS.

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys  BNatMed HbT

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March 08, 2017

2017 Puraty Scholarship winner $1000

Kirsty Wills

Wellpark College, New Zealand


By searching for and addressing the root cause of a patients’ problem, and treating it along with the presenting symptoms, alternative medicine seeks to not only provide relief to the current condition, but give the patient a long term recovery and often prevents conditions from recurring, rather than managing a condition.

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January 15, 2017

What happens when we eat too much?

Here at Puraty you asked, and we listened, and we have developed a Digestive Tea to help soothe and relax the digestion, so if you do overindulge, maybe slowly sipping a calming brew will be of benefit.

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys  BNatMed HbT


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December 19, 2016

Sunburn Soothers

We recognise that familiar sting - the redness, irritation, peeling, pain, swelling, and unsightly blisters… sunburns can last from 3-7 days, and are painful and uncomfortable.  Sunburns are acute inflammation of the skin cells, caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun.

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys  BNatMed HbT

Puraty Naturopath


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November 14, 2016

Hay Fever

Around 20 percent of our population suffers from hay fever.

By Joanna Vinsen BNatMed HbT

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October 17, 2016


“Marie” had been tired for weeks. A web search for “fatigue” brought up site after site describing her exact symptoms and she was convinced  she had chronic fatigue syndrome. So, of course, she ordered supplements online from the US which promised to fix the problem. When they didn’t—several months and hundreds of dollars later—a blood test revealed she was actually anaemic. 

By Joanna Vinsen BNatMed HbT

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September 08, 2016



Food is not mere nutrition – it is medicine for your body. The building blocks of your body.

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys  BNatMed HbT

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