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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome affects millions of women worldwide. While its cause is uncertain,  it is a  hormonal endocrine disorder which displays symptoms such as infertility, weight gain and obesity, metabolic syndrome, irregular periods, excess body hair (hirsutism), lack of periods altogether, multiple ovarian cysts and  acne - this is because women with PCOS have higher levels than normal of male hormones, especially testosterone, and variable levels of prolactin, progesterone and oestrogen.

PCOS adds an increase to the likelihood of miscarriage, endometrial cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes.

Drugs are often prescribed for PCOS and side effects can be common.

There is much in the way of herbal medicine that can support a woman with PCOS

 Herbs and PCOS

Herbs can be very helpful in treating PCOS. They are nutritionally rich, generally safe to use and a good option for those wanting to either avoid pharmaceuticals or use in a supportive way (although never take herbs with medications without checking with a medical herbalist or naturopath first).

There are herbs to support healthy ovarian function, hormone function, blood sugar regulation, endocrine function so,  in essence, helping you to lose weight restoring regularity to periods, supporting fertility, supporting the adrenal glands and stress response and  improving metabolic function overall.

Some of the herbs that we recommend for PCOS are: Licorice, Chaste Tree, Gymnema, and Schisandra.   A great mix here would be the Puraty Slim down tea and the newly released PMT tea.  You might also consider liver support herbs such as those contained in our Liver Detox tea


PCOS Diet Guidelines

Diet and lifestyle changes are also important in the treatment of PCOS – please see below for a few ideas you might like to try.

  • Balance your daily protein intake with an equal amount of carbohydrates
  • Eat foods low on the glycaemic index and glycaemic load list
  • Eat a diet high in fibre
  • Eat 5 small meals a day to help regulate blood sugar
  • Eat essential fatty acids daily such as fish oil and flaxseed oil
  • Exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days a week – get into an exercise routine
  • Eat Organic where you can, the less chemicals the better
  • Stop or cut back on the coffee
  • Add Vitamin D and Calcium – studies have shown that supplementing with these supplements even while on Metformin or similar medications shows improvement in BMI (obesity) and menstrual abnormalities – both PCOS symptoms
  • Avoid soy based foods due to the oestrogenic effects such foods contain.

By Joanna Vinsen Loveys  BNatMed HbT

Joanna Loveys
Joanna Loveys
